Hi there! I'm Jake
That’s me on the right. Where’s the rest of the team? They don’t exist! I’m the founder of SongRender… and also the developer, marketer and literally everything else. I also answer all your support questions, so be nice!
SongRender’s story began when I was trying to figure out how to make music visualizer videos to promote my band babygotbacktalk. I couldn’t find an easy-to-use app that was highly customizable, and I didn’t want to dive into professional video editing software. So I decided to build an app myself — which probably ended up taking longer than it would have taken to just learn Adobe AfterEffects.
You can connect with me on Twitter or by email.
I love seeing everything that people create with SongRender, so if you make something cool please hit me up 🤘🏻
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Favorite band: Armor for Sleep
Favorite food: bagels & sushi (not together)