Awesome new features that let you make even cooler videos

Hey there!

You’re reading the first ever SongRender newsletter. I’ll send these out once in a while to let you know what’s going on with SongRender (not too often, I promise).

Here’s what’s new:


Before, you had to pick a solid color for your waveform. Now, you can fill it with a whole image. You can even add multiple fills on top of each other.

Check it out


You can also give your waveform an outline. Outlines can also contain images — and just like with fills, you can stack them for further customization.

Try it


Finally, you can now add additional layers to your SongRender videos. Drag in some album art or add a second waveform… the only limit is your imagination!

Give it a shot

Creator spotlight

On her podcast "Food for Thought", The Real MaCoya helps people to be stronger, wiser and more empowered. I love the clean, minimal design and the inspiring message.

Watch on YouTube

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Jake Lazaroff